Sperm Preservation with Zero Source of Disease Transmission

Sperm Preservation with Zero Source of Disease Transmission

Sperm Preservation  with Zero Source of Disease Transmission is an interest of time.  Rather waiting for some disaster it will be insightful to make mandatory provision for Sperm Preservation with Zero Source  of Disease Transmission.  The best way to achieve this target is to use 100% chemically defined sperm freezing media. Which do not contain any human, animal, avian or any crude protein of any origin.

Sperm Freezing Media  – Present Status

By and by all sperm freezing media manufacturer of world are utilizing either Human serum albumin,  Egg white,  Fetal bovine serum or Egg yolk as a maintenance  foodstuff  of vitality or to enhance cryo-preservation of human sperm.

Sperm freezing media manufacturer are ensuring that used serum or protein is treated by different advance methodology.  And source materials used are seen to be non-reactive to antibodies for Hepatitis B and C, Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), etc.

At the same time they (Sperm freezing media manufacturers) are also warning   that all human source material should be treated as if it were capable of transmitting infection.  As the possibility of transmitting infective agents, including unknown or emerging viruses, cannot be totally excluded with any natural protein.

It is likewise being declared by all sperm freezing media manufacturer – “no test method offers total confirmation that items got from human or animal or avian sources are noninfectious”. They also mention in their statement – “Handle all human source material as though it were suitable for transmitting disease”. In the medical safety data sheet (MSDS) of all manufacturers make declaration and warn also   that they will not be held responsible for any harm coming about because of use of or from contact with the item since it contain Human serum albumin.

There are reports that whole batch of Human serum albumin had been taken back  from the market in the wake of perceiving some infective materials. Be that as it may, no figure is accessible showing number of people got contamination because of infected human serum albumin or any natural crude protein.

Evident Risk of Disease transmission

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is showing  its clinical symptom and positive test report  even twenty years after infection. It is hard to analyze or identify even the carrier stage of this disease in cattle .

Bird Flue / Avian Influenza/ Zika Virus

Bird flue / avian influenza is spreading all over world. Now it’s a known  cause of  morbidity & mortality. As of late analyzed infection like Zika Virus is an ongoing risk.  Which yet should be forestalled.

Un-identified  and Emerging viruses

Un-identified  and Emerging viruses the biggest threat which will always remain a challenge for medical science.

Endotoxins and contaminants

Human serum albumin or any animal protein is susceptible to contain different amounts and type of endotoxins. Other unfavorable components and  possible bioactive particles is making additional threat. Serum can be a potential source of microbial contaminants, for example  fungi, microscopic organisms, infection or prions.

Ethical & Religious Issue

There might be some moral & ethical issue  or religious motivation to not use human or animal protein. There is a fair chance to get infected during transportation as human or animal protein  is an excellent nutritional source to micro-organism. During transportation chance of getting infected is much higher, as cold chain may not be maintained in adverse condition.

Our Present Approach

With the above idea we have built up a new innovative  Sperm freezing media. The new sperm freezing medium / sperm cryo-preservative medium which does not have any human, animal , bird or  any unrefined protein. It is 100% synthetically characterized. It contain amino acids, Sodium hyaluronate, glycerol, sucrose and so forth. In the term of post thaw recovery of sperm it is in the same class as by and by conventional  cryo-preservative media. We are first on the planet , going to safeguard human sperm with zero additional source of disease transmission.  . It is a measure to avoid transmission of disease through the sperm when fruitlessness especially male infertility  is expanding all over world.

This cryo-preservative media might be additionally a model for cryo-preservation of other tissue and organs.

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